jakub štourač

Foundations of the
Work of the Sun

Experimental short film from analogue photos.
2023, 14min

Anna Luňáková
Jakub Štourač

In the end, all the benefits must not be consumed by time. Therefore, where the Sun works, the overall untidiness of the world is replaced by new foundations. Short narrative of the legs - factographic poem about the journey to work.

"Leibniz inspired poem in a setting of Andrej Platonov's pit."

The Foundations of the Work of the Sun (2023) is a short film-poem consisting of interconnecting “micro-essays” that collectively constitute a “fictional documentary” about the work of the sun. Inspired by (among other things) G.W. Leibniz’s theory of a pre-established harmony and his contributions to the science of optics, the film reflects on how the camera “translates” sunlight into intelligible images and how a photograph might be understood as the visual document of an embodied perspective. Based on a poetic sound composition, each story in the film touches on themes of labor, exhaustion, and utopianism. One chapter alludes to Andrei Platonov’s The Foundation Pit (1968), while another follows the story of a worker whose life is recorded in photograms, snapshots, and prints. Taken together, these “micro-essays” address the question: How to think collectively through the individual?


14th Shanghai Biennale: Cosmos Cinema


(TAPE 01 version)

video version of a theatre performance that was being created at the time.

The long-term researching project of musical poetry, combining sound puppetry, performance and object / physical theatre is for once realised by means of video essay (TAPE 01) while already using the principles and aspects of the planned performance and album.

Project inspired by the texts and life of Jiří Orten and philosophy of Gottfried W. Leibniz and Gilles Deleuze is shifting on the border between radio play, manifesto, audio essay, field recording and in its shape researches the possibilities of narration that avoids direct story and yet is story-telling.

It is the adventure of hearing anchored in the simplicity of everyday life.
Two operators, one transmitter, and a huge amount of sound waves that need to be decrypted, sorted and catalogued into the endless archive of events.
One destiny of a person, stretched between three magnetic tape recorders, examined, dissected.

A probe into the personal journals of Jiří Orten, archives named as Red, Blue and Striped book, are the testimony about a jewish poet who died within all the tragic and ironic symbolics. The last record... before the death by hitting an ambulance car. This archival study of fragments from one’s life, this authorial reading of Monads that are registered on the magnetic tapes, is based on the idea that in the moment of a specific focus it is possible to perceive everything that has ever happened, is happening and will happen to a human being.

Time, identical in each moment.

The operators transmit and receive.
The operators move in microscopic and macroscopic.
The technology is part of the organs.
The eavesdropping of the organs.

Behold, my voice.

videopoem, 2021

I don't even epistemology

videopoem, 2021